

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about our vacation rentals.

How do I know I'm getting a good vacation rental?
SkyRun provides photos, maps, amenity details and reviews about the property you will be renting. Our staff has first- hand knowledge of each property, so don't hesitate to call us if you have any questions.
What's included?
Our rentals come fully furnished including TVs, high-speed internet, linens and towels, a microwave, dishes, pots, pans, and other kitchen essentials.  We sweat the details and provide supplies like shampoo, conditioner, tissues, paper towels, dishwasher detergent, soaps, trash bags, etc.  We provide everything you expect from a fine hotel, and then some. Refer to individual listings to see more amenity information, and please contact us directly if you still have questions.
Am I getting a good deal?
When you book direct with SkyRun you avoid paying service fees that traditional listing channels, like Airbnb, charge. Our prices are also competitive with rent-from-owner rates, but we offer professional service, optional travel insurance, and immediate on-site assistance should the need arise.  In addition, we offer exclusive discounts from local businesses, available only to SkyRun guests.  SkyRun can help you plan and save on your entire vacation experience, not only the rental itself.  We also offer last-minute booking specials.
How does travel insurance work?

Travel insurance is an optional addition to your total rental charges. It is offered on our reservation form at the time of booking. It is also usually offered at the time of booking when you booked with a 3rd party booking site. You can also add travel insurance onto your reservation within 48 hours of booking.

The cost of travel insurance varies and is usually between 7% - 10.8% of your total reservation cost depending on the coverage type.  If you do not have travel insurance, you can not cancel your reservation for any reason.  If you have travel insurance and need to cancel or make a claim refer to your specific policy. More information about the travel insurance policies SkyRun offers can be found here.

How do I rent a property?  What are the deposit and payment terms?
You can rent any of our properties by booking directly on this website using a credit card or you can call to book a reservation if you would like to speak with a vacation planner. 

When you book, 1/3 of your total reservation cost or a minimum of $300 is charged as a non-refundable deposit to secure your rental. 30 days before your arrival, the remaining amount is due and becomes non-refundable if you need to cancel for any reason (see travel insurance above for exceptions).  At this time, the credit card we have on file will be automatically charged for the balance.
How do I check-in?
For most properties, SkyRun utilizes a convenient keypad lock system which allows you to enter your vacation rental using a personalized access code, as opposed to having to pick up a key and worrying about keeping track of it during your stay and returning it afterwards. This also saves you the trouble of coming to a check-in center beforehand. Your welcome packet will be in your rental upon arrival, and our staff is always only a phone call away if questions arise.
What are the house rules?
No smoking and no pets (unless specifically designated as pet-friendly) are allowed in the rentals.  No parties where more than the number of people the property sleeps are allowed in the rental at any time. As in your own home, renters are of course subject to citations for noise violations, etc, handed down by public officials. Remember you are staying as a guest in someone's home, where much investment has been made to make your stay enjoyable; please treat all private property with the respect it deserves.

SkyRun Park City

435-214-2055 | 877-SKYRUN-1

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